Taiwanese American musicians and artists unite to benefit for efforts to relief the catastrophe caused by Typhone Morakot in Taiwan last week. This announcement came through via TaiwaneseAmerican.org. All proceeds made from these artists' events and merchandise sales until August 31 will go toward relief funds. YellowBuzz gives a shout-out to all artists and organizers involved in this benefit!
Taiwanese American Artists & Performers Contribute to Typhoon Relief Efforts!

As of Sunday, August 16th, the government has reported over a hundred deaths and countless injuries in Taiwan due to Typhoon Morakot. Our hearts go out to the many families suffering. Indeed there has been agitation and different emotions as more developments unfold in Taiwan, but we call on Taiwanese America to see this as a time to stand together as a global community.
Showing their true colors of generosity and compassion, many previously mentioned or highlighted artists on TaiwaneseAmerican.org have risen to the occasion!
Until August 31st (or other mentioned dates), the following artists have offered to donate a percentage of all their sales to typhoon relief efforts. (Proceeds will be directed towards several of the coordinating organizations and charities that TaiwaneseAmerican.org has mentioned previously.) These artists are doing some amazing and interesting things within our community!
Check them out and contribute to Taiwan relief by supporting them with purchases!Alice Tong:We last saw her performing and wowing the crowd at Tuesday Night Cafe in Los Angeles! What an amazing and soulful voice! Check out her April 22nd, 2009 Spotlight!
http://taiwaneseamerican.org/2009/04/check-out-singer-songwriter-alice-tong.htmlPurchase her CD "Small" on Blacklava at:
http://tinyurl.com/qkmhguCheck out her music at:
http://www.myspace.com/alicetongmusicKelly Tsai:We also saw Kelly spitting spoken fire in Los Angeles earlier this month. Check out Kelly's website at
http://www.yellowgurl.com for your daily dose of wisdom and sass.
All the proceeds from any CD's and chapbooks bought on
http://www.yellowgurl.com/store from now until Tuesday, August 18th to the Taiwan Relief Fund! Act fast!
Dawen Wang:With exciting news of his long-awaited "American Me" CD Release Party on September 12th, Dawen has generously offered us a space where TaiwaneseAmerican.org T-shirts will be selling next to a venue-matched Taiwan Relief donation box. If you're in the Los Angeles area, check it out!
http://www.dawenwangmusic.comOur July 13th, 2009 Spotlight on Dawen:
http://spotlight.taiwaneseamerican.org/2009/07/conversation-with-singer-songwriter.htmlWant something a bit more personal? Video interview with Dawen:
http://vodpod.com/watch/1900267-conversation-with-dawen-wangAbe Young:Abe was quick to offer donations from sales from his thought-provoking and articulate book written as a conversation among three particular individuals.
Humanity at Stake: On Why the World Should Now End China's MIlitary & Political Aggression, Understand Taiwan's Democracy, and Defend 23 Million Citizens' Human Right to Self-Determination is available on Amazon and on
www.HumanityAtStake.comCalista Wu:Our June 10th, 2009 Spotlight, soulful and passionate singer Calista Wu debuted a wildly successful first EP "The Prologue" and didn't hesitate on giving back! Check out and purchase "The Prologue" from Amazon:
http://tinyurl.com/nxnwf6Calista's Spotlight:
http://spotlight.taiwaneseamerican.org/2009_06_01_archive.htmlhttp://www.calistawu.comhttp://www.myspace.com/calistawuGrace Lin:The prolific and ever so talented children's book author of
Where the Mountain Meets the Moon is also donating portions of her book sales!
http://www.wherethemountainmeetsthemoon.comShe has many other books under her belt that look like perfect gifts for a loved one or younger friend that's starting to read! Head on over to IndieBooks for more information:
http://tinyurl.com/mprt9jShe's donating a portion of sales of her lovely artwork collection at her store:
http://www.cafepress.com/gracepacyJohnny Hi-Fi:Feel like rocking out and giving to a good cause? Eric Hsu, lead vocalist from Johnny Hi-Fi, has upped the ante and offered to donate $2 from each ticket, CD, and merchandise sale from two upcoming performances at the Taiwan Fest in Canada (Toronto on 8/29 and Vancouver on 9/7)!
If you're in the area, this is a great opportunity to give back and enjoy an amazing concert!
http://www.johnnyhifi.comJenton Lee:For those that just want to donate by clicking, check out Jenton! A rising YouTube sensation, Jenton has entertained us with his vibrant, likable personality, keen vocals, and such songs like "Taiwanese Night Market".
Watch Jenton's performance of the song here-- donation based on the number of clicks:
http://www.youtube.com/jenton#play/uploads/13/fQFxhakOnhMhttp://www.jentonlee.comhttp://www.youtube.com/user/jentonhttp://www.thesixtyone.com/JentonShawna Yang Ryan:Author of the poetically-written and recently-published novel,
Water Ghosts, Shawna is donating a portion of her book sales if you forward her your receipt by email. An easy way to do this is to buy your copy online before August 31st at:
http://www.amazon.com/Water-Ghosts-Shawna-Yang-Ryan/dp/1594202079 then send an email to shawnayangryan@gmail.com. Tracking sales is not automatic, so don't forget to email!
Visit Shawna's Blog:
http://shawnayangryan.blogspot.comKaren Lin:You've seen several of the works of music video producer and independent filmmaker Karen Lin, but she's so behind-the-scenes, you often don't know that she's behind some amazing videos out there. On the side, she's been working on some independent film productions, and her current project will be set in Taiwan. Buy a DVD copy of her first award-winning short film,
Perfection, and she will donate 50% of the proceeds!